6. Enam Suresi 103. ayet Abdel Khalek Himmat Al- Muntakhab

He is not apprehended by sight whereas He comprehends all that is displayed to the bodily eye and all that is brought before the mind’s eye, and He is the Gracious Who gives His servants an understanding heart, and He is AL-Latif (Kind) and Al- Khabir.
لَا تُدْرِكُهُ الْاَبْصَارُۘ وَهُوَ يُدْرِكُ الْاَبْصَارَۚ وَهُوَ اللَّط۪يفُ الْخَب۪يرُ
La tudrikuhul ebsaru ve huve yudrikul ebsar ve huvel latiful habir.
Ayetbul | Kuran Mealleri | Quran | Enam suresi 103. ayet

1 la لَّا
2 tudrikuhu O'nu görmez تُدْرِكُهُ
3 l-ebsaru gözler ٱلْأَبْصَـٰرُ
4 vehuve ve O وَهُوَ
5 yudriku görür يُدْرِكُ
6 l-ebsara gözleri ٱلْأَبْصَـٰرَ ۖ
7 ve huve ve O وَهُوَ
8 l-letifu latiftir ٱللَّطِيفُ
9 l-habiru herşeyi haber alandır ٱلْخَبِيرُ