3. Ali İmran Suresi 42. ayet Shabbir Ahmed

(Mary kept a spotless character as she grew up into a young lady). Angels told her, "Allah has chosen you, given you spotless character and given you distinction among the women of your times." (She guarded her chastity and built a strong character in very adverse circumstances. Many monks and devotees of temples used to see the nuns with evil intentions. She was the first revolutionary feminine voice against the exploitations of monasteries).
وَاِذْ قَالَتِ الْمَلٰٓئِكَةُ يَا مَرْيَمُ اِنَّ اللّٰهَ اصْطَفٰيكِ وَطَهَّرَكِ وَاصْطَفٰيكِ عَلٰى نِسَٓاءِ الْعَالَم۪ينَ
Ve iz kaletil melaiketu ya meryemu innallahastafaki ve tahhareki vestafaki ala nisail alemin.
Ayetbul | Kuran Mealleri | Quran | Ali İmran suresi 42. ayet

1 ve iz bir zaman وَإِذْ
2 kaleti demişti ki قَالَتِ
3 l-melaiketu Melekler ٱلْمَلَـٰٓئِكَةُ
4 ya meryemu Meryem يَـٰمَرْيَمُ
5 inne şüphesiz إِنَّ
6 llahe Allah ٱللَّهَ
7 stafaki seni seçti ٱصْطَفَىٰكِ
8 ve tahheraki ve temizledi وَطَهَّرَكِ
9 vestafaki ve seni üstün kıldı وَٱصْطَفَىٰكِ
10 ala üzerine عَلَىٰ
11 nisa'i kadınları نِسَآءِ
12 l-aalemine dünyaların ٱلْعَـٰلَمِينَ