And by the witness who will give evidence in relation to matters of fact when an account of one’s life is being rendered at judgement, and by the deeds which had been witnessed and will be the witness of one’s worth,
وَشَاهِدٍ وَمَشْهُودٍۜ
Ve şahidin ve meşhud.
ve şahidin
ve şahide andolsun
ve meşhudin
ve şahidlik edilene
Ali BulaçKur'an-ı Kerim ve Türkçe Anlamıtr
Şahid olana (görene) ve şahit olunana (görülene).
Ahmed HulusiTürkçe Kur'an Çözümütr
Şahide ve şahit olunana!
Bayraktar BayraklıYeni Bir Anlayışın Işığında Kur'an Mealitr
- Burçlar sahibi göğe; vaad edilen o güne; tanık olan ve tanık olunana yemin olsun ki,
Diyanet İşleriKur'an-ı Kerim Türkçe Mealitr
(3-5) Şahitlik edene ve şahitlik edilene andolsun ki, (mü'minleri yakmak için) hendek kazıp (içinde) alevli ateş yakanlar lanetlenmiştir.
Edip Yüksel (Eski Baskı)Mesaj: Kuran Çevirisitr
Ve tanığa da tanık olunana da andolsun.
Elmalılı Hamdi YazırKur'an-ı Kerim ve Yüce Mealitr
Ve şahide ve meşhuda kasem olsun
Elmalılı (sadeleştirilmiş)tr
o şahitlik edecek ve şahitlik edilecek olana yemin olsun ki,
Gültekin Onantr
Şahid olana (görene) ve şahit olunana (görülene).
Hasan Basri ÇantayKur'an-ı Hakim ve Meal-i Kerimtr
şahidle meşhude ki,
İbni Kesirtr
Şehadet edene ve şehadet edilene.
Muhammed EsedKur'an Mesajıtr
ve O (her şeye) tanıklık eden ile (O'nun tarafından) tanıklık edileni!
her bir tanık ve sanık şahit olsun (da şu gerçeği ünlesin):
Erhan AktaşKerim Kur'antr
Tanığa ve tanıklık edilene ant olsun,
Erhan Aktaş (Eski Baskı)Kerim Kur'antr
Tanığa ve tanıklık edilene ant olsun,
Ali Rıza SafaKur'an-ı Kerim Gerçektr
Tanıklık edene ve tanıklık edilene!
Süleymaniye VakfıSüleymaniye Vakfı Mealitr
Hakka şahit olana ve şahit olunan hakka yemin olsun ki[1],
Edip YükselMesaj: Kuran Çevirisitr
Ve tanığa da tanık olunana da ant olsun.
Mehmet OkuyanKur’an Meal-Tefsirtr
Şahit(ler)e ve şahitlik edilen(ler)e.
Əlixan Musayevaz
And olsun şahidlik edənə və edilənə!
And olsun şəhadət verənə və (haqqından) şəhadət verilənə (peyğəmbərlərə və onların ümmətlərinə, yaxud cümə və Ərəfə günlərinə) ki,
Ələddin Sultanovaz
And olsun şahidlik edənə və şahidlik edilənə!
Rashad KhalifaThe Final Testamenten
The witness and the witnessed.
The Monotheist GroupThe Quran: A Monotheist Translationen
And a witness and a witnessed.
Edip-LaythQuran: A Reformist Translationen
A witness and a witnessed.
Mustafa KhattabThe Clear Quranen
and the witness and what is witnessed![1]
Al-Hilali & Khanen
And by the Witnessing day (i.e. Friday), and by the Witnessed day [i.e. the day of ‘Arafât (Hajj) the ninth of Dhul-Hijjah];
Abdullah Yusuf Alien
By one that witnesses, and the subject of the witness;-
Marmaduke Pickthallen
And by the witness and that whereunto he beareth testimony,
Abul A'la MaududiTafhim commentaryen
and by the witness and what is witnessed:[1]
Taqi Usmanien
and by that which attends, and that which is attended,
Abdul Haleemen
by the Witness and that which is witnessed,
Mohamed Ahmed - Samiraen
And the witness and the witnessed,
Muhammad Asaden
and [of] Him who witnesses [all], and [of] that unto which witness is borne [by Him]!
Abdel Khalek HimmatAl- Muntakhaben
And by the witness who will give evidence in relation to matters of fact when an account of one’s life is being rendered at judgement, and by the deeds which had been witnessed and will be the witness of one’s worth,
Progressive Muslimsen
And a witness and a witnessed.
Shabbir Ahmeden
And He Who watches, and that which is being watched (will see that),
Syed Vickar Ahameden
By the one who sees and that which is seen—
Sahih International(Umm Muhammad, Mary Kennedy, Amatullah Bantley)en
And [by] the witness and what is witnessed,
Ali Quli Qaraien
by the Witness and the Witnessed:
Bijan Moeinianen
I ( God) swear by the one who witnesses and those against whom the witness is borne.
George Saleen
by the witness, and the witnessed;
Mahmoud Ghalien
And (by the) witness and the witnessed-
Amatul Rahman Omaren
And the Bearer of witness (- the Prophet), and that to whom the witness is borne (- the Prophet's community),
E. Henry Palmeren
And the witness and the witnessed!
Hamid S. Azizen
And by the witnesses and the witnessed!
Arthur John Arberryen
by the witness and the witnessed,
Aisha Bewleyen
and the witness and the witnessed,
Sam GerransThe Qur'an: A Complete Revelationen
And by the witness and the witnessed!
Эльмир Кулиевru
Клянусь свидетельствующим и засвидетельствованным!