75. Kıyame Suresi 16. ayet George Sale

Move not thy tongue, O Mohammed, in repeating the revelations brought thee by Gabriel, before he shall have finished the same, that thou mayest quickly commit them to memory:
لَا تُحَرِّكْ بِه۪ لِسَانَكَ لِتَعْجَلَ بِه۪ۜ
La tuharrik bihi lisaneke li ta'cele bihi.
Ayetbul | Kuran Mealleri | Quran | Kıyame suresi 16. ayet

1 la لَا
2 tuharrik depretme تُحَرِّكْ
3 bihi onu بِهِۦ
4 lisaneke diline لِسَانَكَ
5 litea'cele okumak için لِتَعْجَلَ
6 bihi onu بِهِۦٓ