They will convey their thoughts reciprocally in talk, holding discourse of the why and the wherefore and of the how and when of life and past events relative to their actions, their responses, their reactions and their fate.
Onların bir kısmı bir kısmına dönüp (hesap) soracaklar.
Əlixan Musayevaz
Onlar bir-birinə üz tutub soruşacaqlar.
Onların bir qismi (tabe olanlar) digəri (öz başçıları) ilə çənə-boğaz olmağa başlayacaq.
Ələddin Sultanovaz
Onlar bir-biri ilə mübahisə etməyə başlayarlar.
Rashad KhalifaThe Final Testamenten
They will come to each other, questioning and blaming one another.
The Monotheist GroupThe Quran: A Monotheist Translationen
And some of them came to each other, questioning.
Edip-LaythQuran: A Reformist Translationen
Some of them came to each other, questioning.
Mustafa KhattabThe Clear Quranen
They will turn on each other, throwing blame.
Al-Hilali & Khanen
And they will turn to one another and question one another.
Abdullah Yusuf Alien
And they will turn to one another, and question one another.
Marmaduke Pickthallen
And some of them draw near unto others, mutually questioning.
Abul A'la MaududiTafhim commentaryen
They will then turn towards each other (and start wrangling).
Taqi Usmanien
And some of them (the followers of their chiefs) will turn to others (the chiefs), asking questions from one another.
Abdul Haleemen
and they will turn on one another accusingly.
Mohamed Ahmed - Samiraen
And some of them will confront the others,
Muhammad Asaden
but [since it will be too late, ] they will turn upon one another, demanding of each other [to relieve them of the burden of their past sins].
Abdel Khalek HimmatAl- Muntakhaben
They will convey their thoughts reciprocally in talk, holding discourse of the why and the wherefore and of the how and when of life and past events relative to their actions, their responses, their reactions and their fate.
Progressive Muslimsen
And some of them came to each other, questioning.
Shabbir Ahmeden
And they will turn to one another asking, demanding.
Syed Vickar Ahameden
And they will turn to one another, and question one another.
Sahih International(Umm Muhammad, Mary Kennedy, Amatullah Bantley)en
And they will approach one another blaming each other.
Ali Quli Qaraien
Some of them will turn to others, questioning each other.
Bijan Moeinianen
That will be an opportunity for mutual blaming.
George Saleen
And they shall draw nigh unto one another, and shall dispute among themselves.
Mahmoud Ghalien
And some of them come forward to others, (Literally: some (others) asking one another (questions).
Amatul Rahman Omaren
Some of them will turn to the others, questioning to one another (reproachingly).
E. Henry Palmeren
and some shall draw near to others, to question each other,
Hamid S. Azizen
And some of them shall advance towards others, questioning each other.
Arthur John Arberryen
and advance one upon another, asking each other questions.
Aisha Bewleyen
They will confront each other, questioning one another.
Sam GerransThe Qur'an: A Complete Revelationen
And they will draw near to one another, asking one of another,