35. Fatır Suresi 31. ayet Amatul Rahman Omar

And the perfect Book which We have revealed to you is the lasting truth (itself and contains all that is required). It confirms the truth (of the prophecies about the advent of Islam contained in the revelations) that preceded it. Verily, Allâh is All-Aware of His servants and a keen Observer (of them).
وَالَّـذ۪ٓي اَوْحَيْنَٓا اِلَيْكَ مِنَ الْكِتَابِ هُوَ الْحَقُّ مُصَدِّقاً لِمَا بَيْنَ يَدَيْهِۜ اِنَّ اللّٰهَ بِعِبَادِه۪ لَخَب۪يرٌ بَص۪يرٌ
Vellezi evhayna ileyke minel kitabi huvel hakku musaddikan lima beyne yedeyh, innallahe bi ibadihi le habirun basir.
Ayetbul | Kuran Mealleri | Quran | Fatır suresi 31. ayet

1 vellezi وَٱلَّذِىٓ
2 evhayna vahyettiğimiz أَوْحَيْنَآ
3 ileyke sana إِلَيْكَ
4 mine -tan مِنَ
5 l-kitabi Kitap- ٱلْكِتَـٰبِ
6 huve O هُوَ
7 l-hakku gerçektir ٱلْحَقُّ
8 musaddikan doğrulayan مُصَدِّقًۭا
9 lima لِّمَا
10 beyne beyyine بَيْنَ
11 yedeyhi ellerindeki يَدَيْهِ ۗ
12 inne şüphesiz إِنَّ
13 llahe Allah ٱللَّهَ
14 biibadihi kullarını بِعِبَادِهِۦ
15 lehabirun haber alandır لَخَبِيرٌۢ
16 besirun görendir بَصِيرٌۭ