32. Secde Suresi 6. ayet Abdel Khalek Himmat Al- Muntakhab

And so this is Allah, your Creator, the Omniscient of the invisible, the hidden and the unseen and the Omniscient of what the bosoms store of thoughts and feelings and of what they forge. This is Allah Who has cognizance and holds prescience of what you converse secretly and utter below your breath and of what you suggest secretly to the mind. And He is well acquainted with the visible and the seen, AL-Aziz (the Almighty) and AL-Rahim (the Merciful).
ذٰلِكَ عَالِمُ الْغَيْبِ وَالشَّهَادَةِ الْعَز۪يزُ الرَّح۪يمُۙ
Zalike alimul gaybi veş şehadetil azizur rahim.
Ayetbul | Kuran Mealleri | Quran | Secde suresi 6. ayet

1 zalike işte O'dur ذَٰلِكَ
2 aalimu bilen عَـٰلِمُ
3 l-gaybi görünmeyeni ٱلْغَيْبِ
4 ve şşehadeti ve görüneni وَٱلشَّهَـٰدَةِ
5 l-azizu güçlü ٱلْعَزِيزُ
6 r-rahimu ve esirgeyici ٱلرَّحِيمُ