And when he had given them their provisions, he placed the drinking cup in his brother's pack; then a crier shouted out, "O you in the caravan! Verily, you are thieves!"
(Yusifin qardaşları) onlara dönüb: “Nə itirmisiniz?” - dedilər.
Rashad KhalifaThe Final Testamenten
They said, as they came towards them, "What did you lose?"
The Monotheist GroupThe Quran: A Monotheist Translationen
They said, while coming towards them: "What is it you are missing?"
Edip-LaythQuran: A Reformist Translationen
They said, turning towards them: "What is it you are missing?"
Mustafa KhattabThe Clear Quranen
They asked, turning back, "What have you lost?"
Al-Hilali & Khanen
They, turning towards them, said: "What is it that you have lost?"
Abdullah Yusuf Alien
They said, turning towards them: "What is it that ye miss?"
Marmaduke Pickthallen
They cried, coming toward them: What is it ye have lost?
Abul A'la MaududiTafhim commentaryen
Turning back they asked: "What have you lost?"
Taqi Usmanien
Turning towards them, they said, "What are you missing?"
Abdul Haleemen
and they turned and said, ‘What have you lost?’
Mohamed Ahmed - Samiraen
They turned to them and asked: "What is it you have lost?"
Muhammad Asaden
Turning towards the herald and his companions, the brothers asked: "What is it that you miss?"
Abdel Khalek HimmatAl- Muntakhaben
The brothers turned back and asked: "What is it that you have lost",
Progressive Muslimsen
They said, while coming towards him: "What is it you are missing"
Shabbir Ahmeden
They said, coming towards them, "What is it that you have lost?"
Syed Vickar Ahameden
They (the brothers) said, turning towards them: "What is it that you miss?"
Sahih International(Umm Muhammad, Mary Kennedy, Amatullah Bantley)en
They said while approaching them, "What is it you are missing?"
Ali Quli Qaraien
They said, as they turned towards them, ‘What are you missing?’
Bijan Moeinianen
Turning back, they asked: "What is lost?"
George Saleen
They said, -- and turned back unto them, -- what is it that ye miss?
Mahmoud Ghalien
They said (as) they came forward to them, "What is (it) that you are missing?"
Amatul Rahman Omaren
They (- men of the caravan) said turning towards them (- the heralds), `What is it that you are missing?'
E. Henry Palmeren
They said, approaching them, 'What is it that ye miss?'
Hamid S. Azizen
And when he had given them their provisions, he placed the drinking cup in his brother's pack; then a crier shouted out, "O you in the caravan! Verily, you are thieves!"
Arthur John Arberryen
They said, turning to them, 'What is it that you are missing?'
Aisha Bewleyen
They turned to them and said, ‘What are you missing?’
Sam GerransThe Qur'an: A Complete Revelationen
Said they, approaching them: “What is it you are missing?”
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