A position on the left side which of right belongs to those who had eagerly earned their position on the left. Among them are those who denied Allah and the hypocrites who assumed a false appearance of virtue and goodness with dissimulation of real character and inclinations and also those who counselled deaf to Allah's ordinances. These had Allah destined to hell where they make abode.
"Ashab-ı Meş'eme" ne (mutsuz ve uğursuzdur o) "Ashab-ı Meş'eme".
Ahmed HulusiTürkçe Kur'an Çözümütr
Ashab-ı Meş'eme (solcular, Hak'tan kozalı yaşamışlar), ne ashab-ı meş'emedir!
Bayraktar BayraklıYeni Bir Anlayışın Işığında Kur'an Mealitr
Sol taraftaki mutsuz kişiler, ne kötü olacak onların halleri!
Diyanet İşleriKur'an-ı Kerim Türkçe Mealitr
Kötülüğe batanlara gelince; ne mutsuz kimselerdir!
Edip Yüksel (Eski Baskı)Mesaj: Kuran Çevirisitr
Mutsuzlar ne kadar da mutsuzdurlar!
Elmalılı Hamdi YazırKur'an-ı Kerim ve Yüce Mealitr
Solda "Ashab-ı Meş'eme": Ne "Ashab-ı Meş'eme!"
Elmalılı (sadeleştirilmiş)tr
Solda solun adamları, ne mutsuzdur onlar!
Gültekin Onantr
'Ashab-ı Meş'eme' ne (mutsuz ve uğursuzdur o) 'Ashab-ı Meş'eme'.
Hasan Basri ÇantayKur'an-ı Hakim ve Meal-i Kerimtr
Solcular (a gelince:) O solcular ne (bedbaht) dırlar!
İbni Kesirtr
Solcular; o solcular ne bahtsızdırlar.
Muhammed EsedKur'an Mesajıtr
Ve kiminiz kötülüğe batmışlardan olacak. Ah! ne (mutsuz) kimselerdir kötülüğe batmış olanlar!
Şaban PirişKur'an-ı Kerim Türkçe Anlamıtr
Sol taraf halkı... Ne sol taraf halkı!
Suat YıldırımKuran-ı Kerim ve Mealitr
Ashab-ı şimal ki ne ashab-ı şimal! Ne bedbahttır onlar!
Süleyman AteşKur'an-ı Kerim ve Yüce Mealitr
Solun adamları (amel defterleri sol tarafından verilenler), ne uğursuzlardır onlar!
Yaşar Nuri ÖztürkKur'an-ı Kerim Mealitr
İşte şomluk ve bunalım yaranı. Nedir şomluk ve bunalım yaranı?
Mustafa İslamoğluHayat Kitabı Kur’antr
Bir de bedbaht kampa dahil olan kesim olacak; ama ne felaket bir bedbahtlık!..
Erhan AktaşKerim Kur'antr
Ashabı meş'eme[1]! Nedir ashabı meş'eme?
Erhan Aktaş (Eski Baskı)Kerim Kur'antr
Ashabı meş'eme[1]! Nedir ashabı meş'eme?
Ali Rıza SafaKur'an-ı Kerim Gerçektr
Ve kötülüğe batanların yoldaşları! Kötülüğe batanların yoldaşları, nedir?[488]
Süleymaniye VakfıSüleymaniye Vakfı Mealitr
(İkinci sınıf) uğursuzlardır. Ne yazık o uğursuzlara!
Edip YükselMesaj: Kuran Çevirisitr
Mutsuzlar ne kadar da mutsuzdurlar!
Mehmet OkuyanKur’an Meal-Tefsirtr
Solun halkı, ne mutsuz insanlardır o solun halkı![1]
Əlixan Musayevaz
Sol tərəf sahibləri. Nə bədbəxtdir sol tərəf sahibləri!
Sol tərəf sahibləri (əməl dəftərləri sol əllərinə verilənlər). Kimdir o sol tərəf sahibləri? (Nə uğursuzdur onlar!)
Ələddin Sultanovaz
Sol tərəfdəkilər! Nə bədbəxtdir sol tərəfdəkilər!
Rashad KhalifaThe Final Testamenten
Those who deserved misery will be in misery.
The Monotheist GroupThe Quran: A Monotheist Translationen
And those on the left, who will be from those on the left?
Edip-LaythQuran: A Reformist Translationen
Those on the left; who will be from those on the left?
Mustafa KhattabThe Clear Quranen
the people of the left, how ˹miserable˺ will they be;
Al-Hilali & Khanen
And those on the Left Hand (i.e. those who will be given their Record in their left hands) - how (unfortunate) will be those on the Left Hand! (As a disgrace for them, because they will enter Hell).
Abdullah Yusuf Alien
And the Companions of the Left Hand,- what will be the Companions of the Left Hand?
Marmaduke Pickthallen
And (then) those on the left hand; what of those on the left hand?
Abul A'la MaududiTafhim commentaryen
And the People on the Left:[1] and how miserable will be the People on the Left!
Taqi Usmanien
And the People of the Left ? How (wretched) are the People of the Left!
Abdul Haleemen
Those on the Left––what people they are!
Mohamed Ahmed - Samiraen
Then those of the left hand -- how (unhappy) will be those of the left hand!
Muhammad Asaden
And there shall be such as will have lost themselves in evil: oh, how [unhappy] will be they who have lost themselves in evil!
Abdel Khalek HimmatAl- Muntakhaben
A position on the left side which of right belongs to those who had eagerly earned their position on the left. Among them are those who denied Allah and the hypocrites who assumed a false appearance of virtue and goodness with dissimulation of real character and inclinations and also those who counselled deaf to Allah's ordinances. These had Allah destined to hell where they make abode.
Progressive Muslimsen
And those on the left, who will be from those on the left
Shabbir Ahmeden
And (secondly) the unblessed ones. Ah, how unfortunate are the unblessed ones! ('Mash'amah, from 'Shimal' = Unblessed = Left side = Wrong action (18:17), (56:41), (69:25)).
Syed Vickar Ahameden
And (there will be) the companions of the left hand— What will be the companions of the left hand?
Sahih International(Umm Muhammad, Mary Kennedy, Amatullah Bantley)en
And the companions of the left - what are the companions of the left?
Ali Quli Qaraien
And the People of the Left Hand —and what are the People of the Left Hand?
Bijan Moeinianen
(B) And the [misfortunate] people of the left hand. How unfortunate will be the people of the left hand.
George Saleen
And the companions of the left hand; -- how miserable shall the companions of the left hand be! --
Mahmoud Ghalien
And the companions of the Sinister (befalling), what (will become) of the companions of the Sinister (befalling)? (Or: the Left Hand)
Amatul Rahman Omaren
And (then) those that are wretched, how (miserable) the condition of the wretched will be!
E. Henry Palmeren
And the fellows of the left hand - what unlucky fellows!
Hamid S. Azizen
And then the companions of the left hand - what will be the companions of the left hand?
Arthur John Arberryen
Companions of the Left (O Companions of the Left!)
Aisha Bewleyen
the Companions of the Left: what of the Companions of the Left?
Sam GerransThe Qur'an: A Complete Revelationen
And the companions of the left! — what of the companions of the left? —
Эльмир Кулиевru
Другие же будут по левую сторону. Кто же будет по левую сторону?