Therefore, establish Balance in the society in absolute justice. And never belittle the Scale of Justice in the community and in all your transactions with your own 'Self' and with others.
Ölçüyü titizlikle, adaletle koruyun ve hüsrana araç yapmayın mizanı.
Mustafa İslamoğluHayat Kitabı Kur’antr
Yine istikametle ölçüp biçin, ölçme değerlendirme yaparken haksızlık etmeyin!
Erhan AktaşKerim Kur'antr
Tartıyı hakkaniyetle[1] ayakta tutun[2]. Ölçüyü eksiltmeyin.[2]
Erhan Aktaş (Eski Baskı)Kerim Kur'antr
Tartıyı hakkaniyetle[1] ayakta tutun[2]. Ölçüyü eksiltmeyin.[2]
Ali Rıza SafaKur'an-ı Kerim Gerçektr
Tartıyı adaletle koruyun ve ölçüyü eksik tutmayın!
Süleymaniye VakfıSüleymaniye Vakfı Mealitr
Ölçüyü hakka uygun yapın. Eksiltip de kurulu dengeye yazık etmeyin.
Edip YükselMesaj: Kuran Çevirisitr
Ölçüyü adaletle gözetiniz; ölçüyü kaybetmeyiniz.
Mehmet OkuyanKur’an Meal-Tefsirtr
Ölçüyü adaletle yerine getirin ve eksik tartmayın![1]
Əlixan Musayevaz
(Əşyaları) tərəzidə insafla çəkin və çəkini əskiltməyin.
Tərəzini düz tutun, çəkini əskiltməyin! (Çəkidə insaflı olun, tərəzini korlamayın!)
Ələddin Sultanovaz
Tərəzidə ədalətə riayət edin və çəkini əskiltməyin!
Rashad KhalifaThe Final Testamenten
You shall establish justice; do not violate the law.
The Monotheist GroupThe Quran: A Monotheist Translationen
And observe the weight with equity, and do not fall short in the balance.
Edip-LaythQuran: A Reformist Translationen
Observe the weight with equity, and do not fall short in the balance.
Mustafa KhattabThe Clear Quranen
Weigh with justice, and do not give short measure.
Al-Hilali & Khanen
And observe the weight with equity and do not make the balance deficient.
Abdullah Yusuf Alien
So establish weight with justice and fall not short in the balance.
Marmaduke Pickthallen
But observe the measure strictly, nor fall short thereof.
Abul A'la MaududiTafhim commentaryen
but weigh things equitably and skimp not in the balance.[1]
Taqi Usmanien
Observe the correct weight with fairness, and do not make weighing deficient.
Abdul Haleemen
weigh with justice and do not fall short in the balance.
Mohamed Ahmed - Samiraen
And observe correct measure, weigh with justice, and not cheat the balance.
Muhammad Asaden
weigh, therefore, [your deeds] with equity, and cut not the measure short!
Abdel Khalek HimmatAl- Muntakhaben
But counterpoise and hold in equipoise all matters, concerns and affairs and that which exists individually, in fact or in idea, and that which is or may be in anyway an object of perception, knowledge, or thought, and do not de induced to act dishonestly with the balance, thus remains everything in the course and order wherein it was set at the creation.
Progressive Muslimsen
And observe the weight with equity, and do not fall short in the balance.
Shabbir Ahmeden
Therefore, establish Balance in the society in absolute justice. And never belittle the Scale of Justice in the community and in all your transactions with your own 'Self' and with others.
Syed Vickar Ahameden
So establish (accurate) weight with justice and do not fall short in the balance.
Sahih International(Umm Muhammad, Mary Kennedy, Amatullah Bantley)en
And establish weight in justice and do not make deficient the balance.
Ali Quli Qaraien
Maintain the weights with justice, and do not shorten the balance!’
Bijan Moeinianen
Stick to the balance in your daily transactions and respect the right of the others.
George Saleen
Wherefore observe a just weight; and diminish not the balance.
Mahmoud Ghalien
And keep up the weight with equity, and do not cause loss in the Balance.
Amatul Rahman Omaren
Hold balance with justice (giving every one his due avoiding extremes). Do not disturb the (law of) harmony in the least.
E. Henry Palmeren
But weigh ye aright, and stint not the balance.
Hamid S. Azizen
But keep the measure strictly (with justice or equity) nor fall short of it (or be deficient in measuring).
Arthur John Arberryen
and weigh with justice, and skimp not in the Balance. )
Aisha Bewleyen
Give just weight – do not skimp in the balance.
Sam GerransThe Qur'an: A Complete Revelationen
And uphold the weight with equity, and cause not loss to the balance.)