54. Kamer Suresi 27. ayet Amatul Rahman Omar

`We, in order to distinguish the good from the bad of them, are going to send a she-camel (in a state that she is not to be interfered with, in anyway). Therefore, wait (till their end comes), and patiently persevere (against their insults).
اِنَّا مُرْسِلُوا النَّاقَةِ فِتْنَةً لَهُمْ فَارْتَقِبْهُمْ وَاصْطَبِرْۘ
İnna mursilun nakati fitneten lehum fertekıbhum vestabir.
Ayetbul | Kuran Mealleri | Quran | Kamer suresi 27. ayet

1 inna elbette biz إِنَّا
2 mursilu onlara göndereceğiz مُرْسِلُوا۟
3 n-nakati dişi deveyi ٱلنَّاقَةِ
4 fitneten sınamak için فِتْنَةًۭ
5 lehum kendilerini لَّهُمْ
6 fertekibhum sen onları gözetle فَٱرْتَقِبْهُمْ
7 vestabir ve sabret وَٱصْطَبِرْ