4. Nisa Suresi 106. ayet The Monotheist Group The Quran: A Monotheist Translation

And seek forgiveness from God; for God is Forgiver, Merciful.
وَاسْتَغْفِرِ اللّٰهَۜ اِنَّ اللّٰهَ كَانَ غَفُوراً رَح۪يماًۚ
Vestagfirillah. İnnallahe kane gafuran rahima.
Ayetbul | Kuran Mealleri | Quran | Nisa suresi 106. ayet

1 vestegfiri ve mağfiret dile وَٱسْتَغْفِرِ
2 llahe Allah'tan ٱللَّهَ ۖ
3 inne kuşkusuz إِنَّ
4 llahe Allah ٱللَّهَ
5 kane كَانَ
6 gafuran bağışlayandır غَفُورًۭا
7 rahimen esirgeyendir رَّحِيمًۭا