Kur'an-ı Kerim ve Türkçe Anlamı
O, kime dilerse rahmetini tahsis eder, Allah büyük 'lutuf ve ihsan (fazl)' sahibidir.
Yeni Bir Anlayışın Işığında Kur'an Meali
"Rahmetini dilediğine tahsis eder. Allah üstün lütuf sahibidir."
Kur'an-ı Kerim ve Yüce Meali
Rahmetiyle imtiyazı dilediğine bahşeder, daha Allah çok büyük fazıl sahibidir
Kur'an-ı Hakim ve Meal-i Kerim
O, kime dilerse rahmetiyle ona imtiyaz verir. Allah en büyük fazl-ü inayet saahibidir.
Kuran-ı Kerim ve Meali
Rahmetini, nübüvvetini dilediği kuluna has kılar. Allah büyük lütuf ve inayet sahibidir."
Süleymaniye Vakfı Meali
Yapacağı iyiliği, tercih ettiği kişiye yapar. Allah büyük iyilik ve ikram sahibidir.
Kur’an Meal-Tefsir
(Allah) rahmetini[1] dilediğine (layık olana) özgü kılar. Allah büyük lütuf sahibidir."
The Quran: A Monotheist Translation
He singles out with His mercy whom He chooses, and God is with Great Bounty.
Quran: A Reformist Translation
He specifies His mercy for whomever He chooses, and God is with Great Bounty.
The Clear Quran
He chooses whoever He wills to receive His mercy. And Allah is the Lord of infinite bounty.
Tafhim commentary
He singles out for His mercy whomever He wills, Allah is possessed of abounding bounty.'
Al- Muntakhab
"He extends His mercy to whom He will and He is the source of sufficient grace which abounds in whom He will and of the efficacious grace which effects the end for which it is given".
(Umm Muhammad, Mary Kennedy, Amatullah Bantley)
He selects for His mercy whom He wills. And Allah is the possessor of great bounty.