29. Ankebut Suresi 38. ayet Abdel Khalek Himmat Al- Muntakhab

Similarly ill-fated were the "'Aadites -of 'Aad- and the Thamudites –of Thamud-, and the remains of their decayed and fallen building and towns stand for you people as the living evidence of their fatal consequence. AL-Shaytan (Satan) allured them to brighter worlds and a happier destiny as a logical result or sequence to their doing and he led the way. He succeeded in blinding their eyes to the path of righteousness and led them by the nose to their loss in the maze of error, notwithstanding their intellect, for they were people who possessed enough intelligence.
وَعَاداً وَثَمُودَا۬ وَقَدْ تَبَيَّنَ لَكُمْ مِنْ مَسَاكِنِهِمْ۠ وَزَيَّنَ لَهُمُ الشَّيْطَانُ اَعْمَالَهُمْ فَصَدَّهُمْ عَنِ السَّب۪يلِ وَكَانُوا مُسْتَبْصِر۪ينَۙ
Ve aden ve semude ve kad tebeyyene lekum min mesakinihim, ve zeyyene lehumuş şeytanu a'malehum fe saddehum anis sebili ve kanu mustebsırin.
Ayetbul | Kuran Mealleri | Quran | Ankebut suresi 38. ayet

1 ve aaden ve Ad'ı وَعَادًۭا
2 ve semude ve Semud'u وَثَمُودَا۟
3 ve kad ve gerçekten وَقَد
4 tebeyyene bu belli olmaktadır تَّبَيَّنَ
5 lekum size لَكُم
6 min -den مِّن
7 mesakinihim oturdukları yerler- مَّسَـٰكِنِهِمْ ۖ
8 ve zeyyene ve süsledi وَزَيَّنَ
9 lehumu onlara لَهُمُ
10 ş-şeytanu şeytan ٱلشَّيْطَـٰنُ
11 ea'malehum yaptıkları işlerini أَعْمَـٰلَهُمْ
12 fe saddehum ve onları çıkardı فَصَدَّهُمْ
13 ani -dan عَنِ
14 s-sebili yol- ٱلسَّبِيلِ
15 vekanu ve oldular وَكَانُوا۟
16 mustebsirine görenlerden مُسْتَبْصِرِينَ