Türkçe Kur'an Çözümü
Kendilerini aldatanlar, (şeytanlara - bilinçteki aldatıcı fikirlere) kulak verirler ve onların ekseriyeti yalancıdırlar.
Yeni Bir Anlayışın Işığında Kur'an Meali
"Bunlar, şeytanlara kulak verirler ve onların çoğu yalancıdırlar."
Kur'an-ı Hakim ve Meal-i Kerim
Onlar dır ki (şeytanlara) kulak verirler ve onların çoğu yalancıdırlar.
Kur'an Mesajı
ki, böyleleri (zaten hep asılsız, aldatıcı şeylere) kulak verir ve onlardan çoğu başkalarına da yalan söylerler.
Kuran-ı Kerim ve Meali
Çünkü o iftiracılar şeytanlara kulak verirler, esasen onların çoğu yalancıdırlar.
Tafhim commentary
on those who whisper hearsay in the ears of people; and most of them are liars.[1]
Al- Muntakhab
who open their hearts' ears to misrepresentations and vanities and to what the Devils impart to them of falsities and most of them (those who relate and those who receive) are liars. The pagans labelled the Quran as poetry and the Prophet as a poet while the difference is obviously vast. A. The Quran invites to a straight course aiming at a specific Purpose and a useful end. The Prophet's words together with his deeds accord, he does not say something today and cancels it tomorrow nor does he yield to emotions and desires but insists on a divine course of action and does not change nor deviate. On the other hand poets are captives of their emotions, their imagination and of the changing atmospheres and temperaments. When pleased they say one thing and when displeased they say another thing, whereas the Quran adheres eternally to the same thing. B. Poets may be good poets (poets of literary merit), poetic antiquarian (poet with another quality), poeticule (insignificant ), poetaster (a writer of trashy verse) a rhymester. Some of them engage in feigning and devising fables and others aim to please. C. Therefore those whose ruling passion conquers reason who refer their way of life and course of action to the region of poetry or emotions are wasting their days in vanity.