16. Nahl Suresi 112. ayet Abdel Khalek Himmat Al- Muntakhab

Allah represents the fate of those who rebelled against His law by means of a parable of the town in which His grace abounded in security and peace of mind and in rich supplies of provisions from every direction. But instead of content living ever in thankful hearts, its heart beat rebellious to its own resolves and was rendered ungrateful to Allah and disobedient to His laws. By consequence He incensed it by humiliation and vested it with hunger and fear devolving upon it in requital of what its peoples' souls had impelled them to do.
وَضَرَبَ اللّٰهُ مَثَلاً قَرْيَةً كَانَتْ اٰمِنَةً مُطْمَئِنَّةً يَأْت۪يهَا رِزْقُهَا رَغَداً مِنْ كُلِّ مَكَانٍ فَكَفَرَتْ بِاَنْعُمِ اللّٰهِ فَاَذَاقَهَا اللّٰهُ لِبَاسَ الْجُوعِ وَالْخَوْفِ بِمَا كَانُوا يَصْنَعُونَ
Ve daraballahu meselen karyeten kanet amineten mutmainneten ye'tiha rızkuha ragaden min kulli mekanin fe keferet bi en'umillahi fe ezakahallahu libasel cui vel havfi bima kanu yasnaun.
Ayetbul | Kuran Mealleri | Quran | Nahl suresi 112. ayet

1 ve derabe ve misal verir وَضَرَبَ
2 llahu Allah ٱللَّهُ
3 meselen misaliyle مَثَلًۭا
4 karyeten bir kenti قَرْيَةًۭ
5 kanet idi كَانَتْ
6 amineten güven ءَامِنَةًۭ
7 mutmeinneten huzur içinde مُّطْمَئِنَّةًۭ
8 ye'tiha kendisine geliyordu يَأْتِيهَا
9 rizkuha rızkı رِزْقُهَا
10 ragaden bol bol رَغَدًۭا
11 min مِّن
12 kulli her كُلِّ
13 mekanin yerden مَكَانٍۢ
14 fekeferat fakat nankörlük etti فَكَفَرَتْ
15 bien'umi ni'metlerine بِأَنْعُمِ
16 llahi Allah'ın ٱللَّهِ
17 feezakaha (bunun üzerine) ona taddırdı فَأَذَٰقَهَا
18 llahu Allah ٱللَّهُ
19 libase elbisesi لِبَاسَ
20 l-cui açlık ٱلْجُوعِ
21 velhavfi ve korku وَٱلْخَوْفِ
22 bima ötürü بِمَا
23 kanu oldukları كَانُوا۟
24 yesneune yapıyor(lar) يَصْنَعُونَ